Thank you to all of you who came to my Digiorno House Party where we discussed how to coupon. I know that it all seems very overwhelming and you are not going to make great bargains everytime right off the start. Keep in mind it takes about a month before you really start to build up your coupon binder. The more you accumulate the more deals will become available and seem very appealing.
Start with the grocery store you normally shop at and pick one drug store program to start. Remember when you sign up for anything that requires an e-mail make a separate account just for those things. I have two that way I don't get a lot of spam and junk to my everyday e-mail I use all the time.
I am excited for you to begin your coupon journey and can't wait to hear about the deals you find. Some of you have already shared. Remember this is suppose to be fun not stressful!
I am too still trying to make my way around all these deals. There are soooo many.
Today my husband needed some pain meds for a medical procedure he had done. Since it was a new prescription I was able to use my ECB I had received at CVS. A $25 dollar gift card for a new or transferred prescription. The prescription was $10.00 so I made 15.00. Pharmacies run these deals all the time so keep your eye out. Last time I got one done at Target and got 10.00 back.
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